Fist against Corona

We are fighting together
The Netherlands are fighting the Corona virus. By staying at home as much as possible, we ensure that we do not infect each other. Many people in our country cannot stay at home. Their work must continue to keep the country afloat and to nurse the sick. They run a daily risk during this work. Drivers ensure that the transport of people, medicines, food and fuel continues. Supermarkets ensure that the shelves remain full. Teachers take care of children at school and deliver homework to their students. Childcare ensures that people with a crucial profession can still go to work. Journalists provide a daily news service to keep the population informed.
Pin ‘Fist against Corona’
The ‘Fist Against Corona’ is designed for all heroes with a vital profession. A fist hits right through a virus particle. It symbolizes our daily battle with this terrible virus. The purpose of this pin is to give it to someone who works and is active in a vital profession. With this token of appreciation you show that you fight with him or her in your own way. A way of saying ‘thank you for fighting for all of us’. You simply declare that you have respect for continuing with the work and that you have confidence in the other person.
Together a fist against Corona.
Thank you for your love, courage and help in time of need.
Trust and respect in everything you do.
You are my hero!
De Tinnen Roos fights along
At De Tinnen Roos we also fight against COVID-19. We adhere to the regulations of RIVM. Stay 1.5 meters apart, wash our hands and ensure that we serve our customers remotely as much as possible. Our physical store is opened to the public with some adjustments. Excursions and tourist visits to the workshop have been postponed for the time being.
As a complete team we have been involved in coming up with this concept and designing this Fist against Corona. It was made with feeling by the craftsmen of De Tinnen Roos.
Het Longfonds
With the Fist against Corona, we don’t only want to fight symbolically, but we also want to make a real contribution. We have therefore contacted Het Longfonds. This fund is committed to researching various lung diseases on a daily basis. Research on Corona is currently a priority that requires funding. We have therefore decided to donate 25% of the proceeds from this pin.
The ‘Fist against Corona’ is available for both consumers and retail. Retailers can contact us for larger print runs.

Your vital profession makes a fist against Corona.
This symbolic fist is for you.
Thank you for your commitment.
You’re my hero.
I trust you.
You have my respect!
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