The Tinnen Roos on regional television
De Tinnen Roos released two pins in the battle against Corona. With these pins, DTR wants to recognize the work and efforts of all people who risk their own health in saving people. In addition to making a token of appreciation, De Tinnen Roos wants to support Het Longfonds with this action.
Omroep Gelderland came along with a camera crew at an appropriate distance to make a report for our action. Some of these images are also used by the NOS news (national television). Partly thanks to the attention from Omroep Gelderland, the campaign is a success and therefore a nice donation can be donated to charity.
Thank you all for supporting this action.
From Omroep Gelderland YouTube channel:
MILLINGEN AAN RIJN – These are worrying times for entrepreneurs. This also applies to De Tinnen Roos from Millingen aan de Rijn. This time of year normally accounts for a large part of the revenue for the tin foundry, partly through the production of four-day pins. But everything stopped until they decided to make special corona pins.
#coronaspeldjes #tingieter #omroepgld
Nieuws en politiek